
China healthcare draws investors


10-Dec-14 Mergers and acquisitions in China’s healthcare sector rose to a record USD11.3 billion in the first 11 months of 2014, up 13% from a year earlier. A combination of ageing population and increasing affluence is driving the deal-making, coinciding with sweeping reforms by Chinese government. [image: Feucht Blog]

For more about China's healthcare sector, download our free 20-page whitepaper: China healthcare market opportunities

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India “too reliant” on Chinese drug imports


05-Dec-14 India produces a third of the world's medicines, mostly in the form of generic drugs. But more than 80% of the raw materials for these drugs are imported from China. That gives its neighbour a virtual monopoly over pricing and supply - so much so that there are now no domestic Indian producers of many essential medicines, a situation that worries the Indian government. [image: The Insider]

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Rising demand for Taiwan-made medical equipment and technology


28-Nov-14 Taiwan’s medical equipment industry output increased by over 5% in 2014 to USD2.8 billion, driven especially by demand for new and ‘smart’ applications. Demand for Taiwanese medical equipment will continue to increase in 2015, most notably in India. [image: Want China Times]

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